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Published on: Tuesday March 5, 2024

Creative Futures runs a series of term-time and holiday workshops for young people aged 11 – 25 years. SIGN UP HERE!


Environmental Physical Theatre Workshops

With Andrew Sterry and Jani Nightchild

28th September – Abergavenny Baptist Church
5th October – Corn Exchange, Borough Theatre
12th October – Abergavenny Baptist Church
11 – 25 years

The UK is 30-40 years from the eradication of soil fertility

– Michael Gove
Only 60 Harvests Left in the UK’ Scientists Warn

                                                                                    – Farmers Weekly

In a series of 3 workshops, you will contribute to the research and development of a new piece of outdoor community co-created theatre.  The sessions will see participants responding to the above statements and will provide a vital dramatic space for the voices, opinions and experience of all those who live and work in rural Wales.

Workshops will be run by Andrew Sterry (Pentabus) and Jani Nightchild (Baseline) and help develop this exciting new Theatre project.

Deploying poetry, dance, circus skills and song, The Last Supper will be a multilingual piece of theatre in which a local community cast performs alongside professional actors and musicians.  Made up of a core team of creatives, responsible for such ground-breaking productions as The Passion, Mametz, Galwad and Ceres, the piece will built on the experiences and talents of the local community, and incorporate these to help produce a timely, urgent and hugely enjoyable piece of theatre.  The piece will explore how, when it comes to food, water and our ecology, change is not just vital, but also possible.

Writer – Owen Sheers   /   Director – Gethin Evans   /   Producer – Natalia Colville



Weekly Theatre Immersion Sessions

With Junior Mujica and Lisa Zahra

Term Time Saturday’s 10:30am – 1:30pm
11 – 19 years
Held weekly at Melville Centre for the Arts, Abergavenny.

A high-quality workshop programme engaging participants, exploring their shared and individual stories and working with them to devise a range of pieces including a final public theatre experience.



Artist Residencies and Workshops in collaboration with Youth Services & Dance Blast

A series of dynamic sessions held in local youth Centres.  Curated to inspire and empower young people through theatre, allowing them to explore their potential, build trust with other participants and explore creative ideas in a safe environment where they feel supported and able express themselves with integrity and purpose.
Details TBC
