February Refurbishment News
Keeping to the plan, adapting to the circumstances.
The refurbishment brings 21st century engineering and structural practices up close and personal with Victorian techniques and ingenuity. As work continues on site the team have been able to remove finishes and expose more areas particularly, where new structures will join to the existing Victorian one. The position and level of these old structures has varied across the theatre and kept everyone on their toes. The talents and skills of the engineers, designers and builders mean the plans remain although the team have had to redesign and fabricate some extra connection details to suit each situation. Welding and grinding steel on site has been a necessity to ensure 21st century foot stamping and jumping is compatible with a Victorian building.
New Heating and cooling plant.
The new cooling and heating system for the whole theatre space will provide a comfortable environment for performers and audience alike. Getting the sophisticated equipment into a Victorian listed building is a challenge but we’ve also got to do it in a way that means it can be safely and easily maintained and also allow safe access to the new wire tension access grid from the technical suite.
Work is underway for this piece of three-dimensional chess and the technical box has begun its process of transformation to let this happen.
We are still at the every early stages of the build programme and the age and nature of the building continues to test us as you would expect. We are therefore unable to give you an exact opening date at this stage however the further forward we travel, the more accurate we will be able to be with our timelines and milestones and will continue to provide updates as progress allows
Name a seat
We’ve launched our Adopt a seat scheme!
You can have a lovely plaque on one of the Balcony (Circle seats) for six or 12 years in recognition of a donation to the scheme of £350 or £500 respectively. We’ve been delighted by the interest and donations already received from individuals, organisations and businesses following our soft launch. As the theatre opening draws nearer and we emerge more fulsomely from lockdown we’ll be promoting the scheme more widely. In the meantime if you are interested in naming one of the limited number of balcony seats then there are details on the website here https://borough.ticketsolve.com/products/donation or you can talk to our Box Office staff on 01873 850 805
Hire arrangements
As we consider and develop our hire offer we’ll be looking at how we can offer serviced (dry hire) rates for use of the space without the stage in the future. Safety and sustainability will always be a priority but as we start to operate again in the autumn we’ll be exploring new uses and approaches to the use of the space.
Abergavenny Box Office
Whilst the Theatre space itself is undergoing much detailed care, attention, and transformation, the arts and theatre in Abergavenny continue to thrive in numerous guises and initiatives reminding us that culture is about people and ideas not buildings (though supersmart and brilliant arts buildings are important!).
The Borough Theatre has a formidable Box Office system and experienced staff who know how to get the most out of it. Situated in a prime location in the centre of town and hosting the Abergavenny Tourist Information Centre, we’re in a great place to sell tickets. So, we’re also delighted to sell tickets for other people. We think we compete well with the Eventbrite, Ticket -Tailor and ticketsources.com of the internet world, with a very local solution where not only can you do everything online and e-ticket based but you also have the option of the phone and a person at the other end. We’re selling more and more tickets for other people, and it seems right to use our resources and expertise to create a bit of an events hub in the town.